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The development of personal and professional literacy
Scris de mihaiela lazar   
Vineri, 08 Februarie 2019 00:00


Profesor Jianu Camelia

Colegiul Tehnic Reșița, Caraș-Severin

Self-knowledge helps you develop your own potential. It helps to identify obstacles, and resources and achievement opportunities. You can get in a state of congruence with yourself and with others, identify what is really important for you and for others and how to be in agreement with you and with others. With the help of self-knowledge, you can find innovative solutions even in the toughest moments of personal and professional life, you learn how to develop your creativity and spontaneity.

Keywords: self-knowledge, personal development, self-image

There are times when you have a particular problem, but you want to "grow" to "evolve" as a person, to grow psychologically. Personal development helps you be unique and identify ways to successfully cope with daily situations you face. It helps you learn more about yourself so that you can clarify the values​​, behaviors and reactions you have to certain situations and learn how to effectively use the resources you have. So use your time efficiently, communicate effectively so you will be able to better cope with conflicts.
The most important aspect is personal development, beneficial and necessary to enable potential inside and individual, and as a result reach the success he/she wants. It is the first step for professionals who are considering specialization as counselors and psychotherapists. Psychodramatic methods have wide applicability in working with groups of children, adolescents or adults, in enterprises, institutions, schools, with different goals of activities: counseling, therapy, education, education / training.

Every young person sometimes puts questions like: „Who am I?”, „What makes me different from others?”, „What are my strengths and weaknesses?”, „What are my options?”, „How could I develop my skills and overcome weaknesses?”. Answers to such questions relate to personality traits that define knowledge, skills, motivation and value systems, to increase self-esteem, self-confidence, develop creativity, self-control capacity, communication and networking skills interpersonal emotion management opportunities. Formation of self concept (self esteem + self-esteem)

• Awareness of skills;
• Awareness of interests and value system;
• The concept of self (self image, self-esteem).
Self-knowledge involves the formation of self-concept (Self-concept) that includes all ideas and feelings that a person has about him/herself.
Self-concept has two aspects: self-image and self esteem.
Self-image is the view we have about strengths and weaknesses - or think we have (e.g. A teenager can be considered an obedient daughter, good student, loyal friend, talented at drawing).
Self-esteem is how we appreciate ourselves, as we assess our own relation to expectations and the expectations of others.
Self-image and self-esteem are formed from the first years of life.

Building a realistic self-image and a high self-esteem depends primarily on the attitude of others, particularly parents, brothers, friends, teachers. They are those who by words, behavior, and their reaction give a "mirror", which reflects our behaviors through which we begin to build our own image. Many parents are wrong in that, wanting to motivate children, impose excessive demands in relation to their means. In this way the child will suffer numerous setbacks and will have feelings of guilt because he/she cannot live up to parental expectations. Another common mistake is labeling the child as evil, stupid, incapable for some bad behavior. In these cases parents are confused between behavior and personality; it devalues ​​the whole personality of the child for a single failure. These errors lead to shaping educational nature of a negative image of self, lower self-esteem, with many negative consequences for the child's future.

Increased self-esteem is very important and can be achieved by different methods.
If low self esteem is due to poor skills, it is necessary to improve these skills (for example, if a student has low self esteem due to failure in exams, it is important to improve learning techniques). If someone requires some exaggerated standards in relation to its means and has failures for this reason it will be necessary to adopt more realistic standards. To increase self-esteem it is essential for the individual to realize their qualities, skills, and attention to his successes, learn to auto-assess his/her level and qualities.
Since puberty children make a conscious effort of knowing theirselves. The desire of self-knowledge becomes even more pronounced in adolescence and youth.

Self-knowledge can be improved by forming the habit of behaviors we observe, how to interact with others, to act and react in different situations. It is also important to develop our ability to realize our own thoughts, emotions, feelings and motivations. We must not neglect the importance of verbal and nonverbal information received from others, and above all the opinions people significant to us (friends, family).

Self-knowledge requires self-knowledge and awareness skills. We say that a person has skills in an area if it can get better performance in that area. Getting that actual performance depends on many factors: motivation, learning, practice, attitude of parents and teachers, material conditions, health.
Awareness of interests and value system is another aspect of literacy.
Interests of a person are crystallized preferences for certain areas of knowledge or activity. Interests have a vital role in making career decisions. Formation of interests depends on genetic factors (potential skills) and life experiences on which the individual learns to prefer some activities and avoid others.


1.MEC, ,,Curriculum clasele I-XII ,Consiliere și orientare,"-București , 2006

2.MEC, ,,Programe școlare -clasele I-XII ,Consiliere și orientare"-Bucuresti , 2006

3.,,Consiliere și orientare" clasele I-IV ,-ghidul învățătorului ,-București ,2006


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