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The role of specialized disciplined in the technical highscool educational system
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Joi, 08 Decembrie 2016 19:07




The professional skills of a pupil are being assured through his/her complex and progressive teaching, starting from general aspects of the profile through the specifics of a job group. As a result, the study of different special disciplines and performing the practical complementary activities rely on the base of knowledge formed through studying the general culture disciplines. Complex bonds are being created between these, each with its own importance.

Keywords: technical highschool teaching, specialized disciplines, professional competences

1.1. Interdisciplinary relationships

Specialized disciplines must be regarded as parts of a whole which constitutes the teaching process. They cannot be unilaterally regarded as a theoretical part onto which the practical abilities of the future professional, but in unity with them: what differentiates them is the content of the pedagogical content which one will undergo with the pupils. When it comes to their ratio to the practical activities, one must mention that through these activities, pupils will gather knowledge and at the same time bond skills, a common task of every teaching discipline being that of forming intellectual abilities, aptitudes and habits.

Through a judicious and correct approach of both general culture and technical specialized disciplines, the graduate of a educational form can be correctly prepared on a cognitive, psychomotor and affective level for the situations he/she will be met with in social practice.

1.2. Methodology for obtaining the necessary preliminary informations for designing teaching technologies

In the case of education technology, the teaching technology is the one which comprises the whole development process of the young generation, in relation with social requirements. The teaching technology actually represents a ensemble of methods, forms, middle and relationships which are created through the teaching process with the scope of achieving the operational objectives and under the conditions of a rigorous evaluation of their achievement. The educational-instructional process is achieved through two convergent actions:

- instruction activities lead by the instructor master;

- learning activities done by the students, helped to learn through optimally combining all resources which are available (methods, processes, material resources, organizational forms)

Looking at the components of a pedagogical situation, the conclusion can be drawn that creating a didactic strategy can be done keeping in mind following restrictions:

- the students level;

- their individual particularities;

- the available time.

A permanent evaluation through inverted connection is also imposed, in order to regulate and perfect the system and to assure its quality and efficiency. With the scope of designing a didactical technology it is firstly necessary to obtain informations about:

- the content of the active educational curriculum and the learning manual of that particular subject;

- the level of training and possibilities of the pupils;

- the necessary conditions for conducting training: laboratories and teaching utensils.

The curriculum, as an official guideline, must delimit and guide the domains from which the teacher can extract exercises, can indicate the thematic area and the level of details in which a certain content will be thought and presented divided into themes and sub-themes. A teaching plan indicates the profile and the trade for which it is utilized and also states the time frame belonging to the thematic training, as well as the time restrictions with respect to the highschool profile and the type of the teaching hours (day/evening). Modern teaching plans also state the general objectives, skills, beliefs and aptitudes which must be formed by students along with the study of the modules. Methodical informations and the permanent adaptation to the sector of activity are also being mention in order to assure optimal training.

Textbooks constitute the main support materials and contain: teaching themes, solved or proposed for solving problems, questions and answers and many more.

The real training level of the pupils which are to be thought as well as their availability level are factory which influence and determine the design of a teaching technology; taking them into consideration is needed in order to correctly set didactic objectives and strategies. Pupil training level can be initially appreciated through an especially designed verification test or through the systematical observation of students in the first classes of a school year. When preparing an initial test, the following elements must not fail:

- the already acquired knowledge from already studied subjects: either general or specialized knowledge;

- intellectual work ethics put into light by domain specific vocabulary;

- use of didactic material, decoding of audio-visual messages, performing laboratory experiments, use of independent work material, use of widespread measurement/computing/drawing material etc.

After applying the initial test method, two groups of students can be created: one group of highly prepared and interested students – for which it is recommended to also organize extracurricular scientific events – and another group with studying gaps, for which one should organize problem solving lessons for example.

The real conditions which are available for the teacher are also another very important factor which has to be taken into account when creating the teaching plan. No mater how good a teaching project may be, it is an utopia if it cannot be applied in practice. As a result, following should be well known:

- the learning environment;

- the available teaching equipment;

- available bibliographical material;

- the possibility to use teaching material from other schools;

- the possibility of self-endowment.

As some of the available methodological material may have limitations, the teacher must use his/her innovation ability.

1.3. Criteria for creating teaching technology projects

The elaboration of teaching technology is imposed in order to achieve a modern teaching environment. Following important factors must be taken into account:

- the scientific organization of the activity;

- increasing the efficiency of the teaching process;

- achieving with high probability a level of proficiency in line with domain requirements;

In order to be efficient, the teaching project has fulfill the following requirements:

- respect pedagogic principles and teaching process psychology;

- the teaching methodology needs to be in line with objectives;

- the teaching particularities needs to be adapted for each age range;

- the planned activities must use all metal resources and determine a high level and learning rhythm

- taking into account the level at which the necessary resources find themselves: the didactic-material equipment, the teaching space and available time;

- taking into account a good communication between pupils and teacher while avoiding fatigue overload;

- indicating the ways a continual evaluation of results in made, thus offering the possibility to regulate the process while active, in order to attain wanted results

With respect to the presented facts, creating a technical teaching project becomes a very complex task which needs to find the most advantageous teaching structure and ways of achieving it, taking into account the given conditions, the particularities of the class and of each student in this class. Over-appreciating any of these factors can lead to failure, for example: not taking into account the teaching material can make a technology unusable which has, in theory, been correctly applied or using a technology without taking into account the particularities of the class can lead to a flawed education or an inaccurate evaluation.


1. A. Cosmovici, L. Iacob, Psihologie şcolară, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2005.

2. C. Cucoş, Pedagogie, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2006.

3. D. Purţuc, Modele de instruire formativă specifice disciplinelor tehnice, Editura Spiru Haret, Iaşi,




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